YA Talk: Kristof Crolla

Lecture by Kristof Crolla, CHKU

時間:2017.09.25 19:30~21:00

Kristof CrollaKristof Crolla 高仕棠

  • 探索式建築與設計實驗室(LEAD)主持人
  • 香港中文大學建築系設計運算教授
  • Zaha Hadid事務所專案建築師
  • MArch (AA-DRL), Ir-Arch (UGent), RIBA, ARB

高仕棠具備土木結構背景,致力於發展數位設計工具的多元應用,除了可以解決複雜幾何結構的設計與製造,還能適用於低技術、低成本的地區。近期完成專案包括 ZCB Bamboo Pavilion、Golden Moon,其事務所Laboratory for Explorative Architecture and Design (LEAD)也在國際間獲得多個獎項。他本人於2012年以職業成就獲選為Perspective透視雜誌的40歲以下(40 under 40)設計新銳。此次演講Crolla教授將以豐富的影像和影片分享近年完成的精彩專案與研究。

YA Talk: Kristof CrollaCUHK - ZCB Bamboo PavilionCUHK - ZCB Bamboo PavilionLEAD - Golden MoonLEAD - Golden Moon

YA Talk: Kristof Crolla

YA Talk: Kristof Crolla

YA Talk: Kristof Crolla

2017.09.25 19:30~21:00

Kristof Crolla

Kristof Crolla (高仕棠) is a licensed architect who combines his architectural practice LEAD with an Assistant Professorship in Computational Design at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, School of Architecture (CUHK).

He both trained and taught at the Architectural Association School of Architecture, London (AA) and worked for many years as Lead Architect for Zaha Hadid Architects. After graduating Magna Cum Laude at Ghent University and practicing in Belgium, he moved to London in 2005 and attended the AA’s master program Design Research Laboratory (AA-DRL), from where his student work with team “Sugar Inc.” was exhibited at the 2006 Venice Architecture Biennale. He has been invited as a jury critic, lecturer and tutor in numerous institutions in Europe, China, Chile and South Africa and moved to Hong Kong in 2010 where he currently teaches and practices. He is the recipient of  the Perspective 2012 40 under 40 Award.

[:zh]GIA Talk: 胡德偉 & YA Talk: 賴昱安[:]


GIA Talk & YA Talk

2015.10.12 Mon. 18:30-

YA Talk

賴昱安 / 交大建築所學士後建築、台大外文系
講題 / 走墨

GIA Talk

胡德偉 David Hu
講題/數碼時代的視覺性—“閱讀” 多層次的文本(Text Reading and Visuality of the Digital Age)

  1. 由布料科技談數碼時代時裝的視覺性(布料生產的科技引發電腦科技,今天電腦科技不僅革命了布料及時裝設計,也造成人類文明史詩性的鉅變)。From textile technology to visuality of Digital Age fashion.
  2. 視覺藝術和數碼時代的視覺性—閱讀多層次的文本。Visual art and visuality of the Digital Age – Reading the layered texts.
  3. “互聯網”、”桌面”和中國文人畫—閱讀多層次的文本。Internet, Desk-top and Chinese literati painting – Reading the layered texts.
  4. 由建築史談建築構建的層次文本系統。A brief historic account of layered texts in architecture tectonics.
  5. 由多層次的文本談建築設計。Layered texts in architecture design.
  6. 空間與場所。”Space” and “Place”.

Master of Architecture, 1982
Bachelor of Architecture, 1978
David Hu Architect, Principal, New York (1999 – Present)
New York New Vision, Principal, New York (2006 – Present)
Ernest Guan and David Hu, Principal, Taipei (1992 – 1995)[:]


[YA Talk] 曾士豪演講 12/29

年輕建築師系列講座Ya Talk_1229

  • 演講者:曾士豪
  • 演講時間:2014-12-29 19:00
  • 地點:交通大學人社一館 建築研究所大廳
  • 演講題目:邊界


現職AUCV事務所 建築設計與都市規劃師
AUCH市Pardailhan 高中前街道廣場設計案
協助交大UNICODE參加法國舉辦Solar Decathlon建築大賽 


[YA Talk] 王銘顯演講 10/27


YATalk Poster 2014.10.27


  • 演講者:王銘顯
  • 演講時間:2014-10-27 19:00
  • 地點:交通大學人社一館 建築研究所大廳



經歷 /
1999 東海大學建築系畢業
2002 進入東京工業大學建築研究所,師事仙田滿教授;
2004 東京工業大學碩士畢業後,進入團紀彥建築設計事務所勤務
2008 派駐台灣執行「向山行政中心新建工程」及
2013 「桃園機場第一航廈改善工程」擔任駐台代表
2012 設立王銘顯建築師事務所,宜蘭厝競圖入選獎
2013 成立「木之家的種子」研究會鴨子划水般的推廣台灣木構建築

Wen-Te Chiang talks about failures of modernist projects. 蔣文德介紹當代建築規劃的失敗案例。

[:zh]2014-09-22 年輕建築師講座:蔣文德[:en]YATalk by Wen-Te Chiang[:]

[:zh]YATalk by Wen-Te Chiang年輕建築師系列講座

  • 演講者:蔣文德
  • 演講時間:2014-09-22 18:30
  • 地點:交通大學人社一館 建築研究所大廳

本學期第一次 YATalk 請到多年旅英建築人蔣文德,前來分享在倫敦市政府建築審查部門的第一手工作經驗,以及當地都市設計規劃的相關資訊,並雜談跨領域的學習歷程。

歡迎自由參加![:en]YATalk by Wen-Te Chiang

The first YATalk of Fall 2014 invites Wen-Te Chiang to give a lecture at 18:30 on Monday, 9/22, at the lobby of HA Building, NCTU-Architecture. Chiang, who practice in London for many years, shares us insights and experiences of the urban review process in UK government and valuable urban planning issues in city development.

Chiang holds MArch from NCKU; Master of Building and Planning, NCTU; Master from London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE); and is now PhD candidate at Cambridge University. He has practiced in Hong Kong, and offer urban planning and review service in public sector in London. His doctoral research focuses on issues in retail spaces and urban planning.



[YA Talk] 柯維恩演講 3/17


  • 演講者:柯維恩
  • 演講時間:2014-3-17 18:30
  • 地點:交通大學人社一館 建築研究所大廳


Wayne Ko / 柯維恩

/Education 學歷

2004-2009 Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCI-Arc) Bachelor of Architecture 南加州建築學院建築學士
2010-2011 University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Master of Architecture II 加州大學洛杉磯分校建築碩士

/Experience 經歷

2012-Current Director, Keiou Design Lab, Richmond Canada
2011 Design Instructor, BC Creative Center, Richmond Canada
2010 Project Designer, LKP Architecture Design, Taipei Taiwan & Beijing China
2009 Project Designer, Organized Crime Design Collective, Los Angeles USA
2008 Project Designer, Steelman Partners, Las Vegas USA

/Exhibitions 展覽

2014 The 26th International Contemporary Furniture Fair, New York USA
2014 The 16th Interior Design Show, Toronto Canada
2013 Galerie Joseph, Paris Design Week, Paris France
2013 The 25th International Contemporary Furniture Fair, New York USA

/Research Interest & Design Direction 研究興趣與設計方向

Impact and influences of cultural and social phenomenon on design.
Exploration in spatial aesthetics through design possibilities.


2009年畢業於南加州建築學院獲得學士學位。在校期間,分別在美國拉斯維加斯Steelman Partners和美國洛杉磯Organized Crime Design Collective累積工作經驗。並到日本京都精華大学建築系做交換學生。2010年進入元宏聯合建築師事務所參與台北和北京的建築設計。2011年獲得加州大學洛杉磯分校建築碩士學位。
2012年在加拿大溫哥華創立 Keiou Design Lab。參加過美國紐約第25屆國際當代傢俱展、法國巴黎設計週的約瑟夫藝廊、加拿大多倫多第16屆室內設計展等世界各地的展覽。

[YA Talk] 裘振宇演講 2/26

Lecture Poster


  • 演講者:裘振宇
  • 演講時間:2014-2-26 18:30
  • 地點:交通大學人社一館 建築研究所大廳
  • 題目:尤恩伍重的中國與未完成的雪梨歌劇院


講者: CHIU, Chen-Yu / 裘 振宇

Post-Doctoral Researcher
Department of Architecture
Aalto University

Jørn Utzon (1918-2008) had great fascination for the building cultures around the world throughout his lifetime, and Chinese architecture has been a persistent source that nurtured his architectural belief. His Sydney Opera house design (1956-66) presents how he perceived East Asian architecture as his inspiration, as his vision for this still unfinished masterpiece.

[YA Talk] 林君翰演講 1/7


  • 演講者:林君翰
  • 演講時間:2014-01-07 18:30
  • 地點:交通大學人社一館 建築研究所大廳


John Lin is an architect based in Hong Kong and currently an Assistant Professor at The University of Hong Kong. After studying in both the Art and Engineering programs at The Cooper Union in New York City, he received a professional degree in Architecture in 2002. His current research concerns the process of urbanization in rural China with a focus on the sustainable development of Chinese villages. His current projects include the design of several school buildings, a village community center, a hospital and a sustainable house prototype in China. Located in rural areas of Shaanxi, Jiangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Hunan and Guangdong provinces they integrate local and traditional construction practices with contemporary sustainable technologies. He has received two AR Awards for Emerging Architecture in 2009 and 2010 for his Qinmo Village School and Taiping Bridge Renovation projects. He has taught previously at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture and The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is the 2010 recipient of the Outstanding Teaching Award at The University of Hong Kong.

[YA Talk] 劉嘉驊 & Stephen Roe

時間:4/26(二) 6:30pm-8:30pm

演講者資訊:劉嘉驊建築師、Stephen Roe建築師



2002-2005/ 美國賓州大學建築碩士
1994-1999/ 國立成功大學物理系轉工業設計系

2010/ 淡江建築大四兼任講師:細部設計與構造實務、前置建築工作室負責人
2006-2009/ Front Inc. 建築立面顧問公司擔任以下建築案之外牆系統設計顧問
_Metrotech Secutiry Kiosk (NY) – Weisz & Yoes Architecture_Battery Park Carousel (NY) – Weisz & Yoes Architecture_Strata Tower (Abu Dhabi) – Asymptote Architecture_190 Vaci (Budapest) – Asymptote Architecture_Asian Culture Center (Korea) – Kyu Sung Woo Architects_Pinnacle Beach House (Atlantic City) – 4240 Architecture_Astana Ritz Carlton (Kazakhstan) – Robert A.M. Stern Architects_Yas Hotel (Abu Dhabi) – Asymptote Architecture_Mahanakhon Tower (Bangkok) – OMA

2005-2006 TEN Arquitectos_Brooklyn Public Library: Post- Competition Design Development_Denver Detention Center Competition: Project Coordination_Rutgers University Competition (NJ): Project Designer (首獎)_Church of Epiphany Competition (NY): Schematic Design(首獎) _負責事務所數位模型建構課程教學

2004 胡碩峰建築工作室實習生 _參與概念設計與數位建模

參數式設計與模型規劃(Paramatric Design & Modeling)
Rhino Script 電腦編程演算設計(Algorithmic Design)

_Catia/Digital Project
_LBNL THERM 熱能分析 _AutoCAD, Photoshop, Illustrator_3ds MAX, Rhinocero _MAC, PC 雙作業系統平台

Stephen Roe

M.Sc, Dipl.Arch, B.Arch.Sc, ARB, RIBA
Together with Chiafang Wu, Stephen runs the office of ROEWUarchitecture.

Stephen Roe is a noted young architect and educator who has taught and run an award-winning practice in both the US and the UK. Through his teaching and research, combined with extensive practical experience. he has been at the leading edge of the development of new ways of understanding the intersections between materiality and ideas in architecture.

ROEWU architecture is an energetic young practice based in London and Taiwan but with a global profile as a result of international design awards and publication and exhibition of the office’s work. ROEWU was founded in New York in 2003 after winning First Prize in the International competition for Ephemeral Structures for the Athens Olympics.
In 2005 ROEWU was awarded the Young Architect’s Award by the Architectural League of New York, North America’s premier award for young architects.
In 2005 the partners were invited to teach a Diploma Unit at the Architectural Association in London, extending the research of their practice further in an academic setting.
In 2006 ROEWU represented the UK in the Beijing Biennale along with Fosters and Arup and in 2007 the practice was awarded the Kevin Kieran Award by the Arts Council of Ireland.

In addition to practice Stephen has led a Graduate Diploma Unit at the Architectural Association in London. He was Lefevre Emerging Practitioner Fellow at Ohio State University (where he was mentored by distinguished critic and Theorist Jeff Kipnis) and also taught Design at the New York Institute of Technology. He has been an invited critic to architecture schools in the US, the UK, Taiwan & Hong Kong. He is currently Visiting Associate Professor of Architecture at Feng Chia University in Taiwan.

Stephen Holds a Masters in Advanced Architectural Design from Columbia University in New York where he won the Lowenfisch Prize for Best Project in Studio. He also holds a Diploma in Architecture (First Class Honours) from the Dublin Institute of Technology and a Degree in Architecture (also First Class Honours) from Trinity College Dublin.

He is a Licensed Architect in the UK (RIBA) and Germany (Architektenkammer Berlin)

演講場地/國立交通大學 建築所 一樓大廳
連絡電話/03-573-1977 蔡小姐


[YA Talk] 郭宗倫 & 林家如

由國立交通大學建築所邀請,共八位傑出年輕建築師,於 4/19-5/10 每周二 6:30pm-8:30pm 在交通大學建築所大廳,帶來一連串的年輕建築師系列演講!敬請期待!!


演講資訊:4/19(二) 6:30pm-8:30pm
建築所一樓大廳 正式開講!!!



2000 – 2001美國密西根大學建築碩士(M. Arch.)和建築科學碩士(M.Sc. Arch.)

2000 – 2007
紐約Richard Meier & Partners Architects
波士頓Kallmann McKinnell Wood Architects
紐約Polshek Partnership Architects



OMA台北藝術中心本地工作代表,Senior Architect

1998 淡江大學建築系學士
2001 美國哥倫比亞大學建築研究所碩士

1999 原相聯合建築師事務所(實習)
1999 Amphibian Arc, 洛杉磯 (實習)
2001 KostowGreenwood Architect PC, 紐約
2002 – 2005 Parsons + Fernandez-Casteleiro Architects, 紐約 (建築師)
2006 – now OMA大都會建築事務所 , 北京/香港 (資深建築師)

演講場地/國立交通大學 建築所 一樓大廳
連絡/蔡小姐 03-573-1977
