Voice Cloud


看到人社一館外的竹構測試了嗎?還記得我們有一個設計課,會在新竹市公共空間做真實的搭建嗎? 我們即將在暑假開頭,要開始搭建的工作,趕在6/29之前完工,構築會成為一個為期9日大型公共活動 — <Fun舊城> — 的部份場地,也會是供人欣賞的藝術品。屆時有兩份竹構築需要完成,其中一份是我們自己的作品:”Voice Cloud”,另一部份是香港中文大學 Kristof 老師團隊的作品: TOROO。






  1. 活動地點:新竹市北大公園與護城河圓形廣場
  2. 活動時間(報名者以全程參與者為優先):2019年6月20日至6月28日,共計九日,每日工作坊時段:早上9點至下午6點。
  3. 活動內容
    由交通大學建築研究所許倍銜老師、香港中文大學 Laboratory for Explorative Architecture and Design (LEAD) 團隊、大藏建築師聯合事務所,透過現場講解與循序漸進的操作讓參與者理解竹構的原理與構造機制,並進行真實的竹材單元加工、構築、組裝實作。
  4. 招募對象
  5. 活動說明
    1. 預定招募10名以上志工。
    2. 本活動將全程提供保險、午餐。
    3. 全程參與並完成竹構工作者,將頒發社團法人台灣義築協會NGO服務時數證書(九天)。

Voice CloudVoice Cloud TOROO TOROO

2018全所競圖:Bending Rules

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“Bending Rules” is a design & build competition workshop that will introduce students to concepts of ‘Post-Digital Architecture’ by designing and building bending-active bamboo structures that combine digital/procedural design and simulation techniques with traditional craftsmanship and natural materials. In teams, students will iteratively work toward the creation of 4 large bamboo structures that will vie for the winning prize. A democratic selection process, driven by student voting, will decide which initial ideas will be developed further in larger groups and at the bigger final scale.

Design criteria that need to find an equilibrium in the design are:

  1. Buildability → system complexity/simplicity. Can it sufficiently easily be built?
  2. Level of expansion of the design solution space → how ‘unprecedented’ is the structure?
  3. Architectural qualities of the proposal → Why is it worthy of pushing projects in this direction?

2018 |秋| 交大建築所期初全所競圖工作坊&展覽

競圖出題/ Kristof Crolla (高仕棠)老師

  • 探索式建築與設計實驗室(LEAD)主持人
  • 香港中文大學建築系設計運算教授
  • Zaha Hadid事務所專案建築師
  • MArch (AA-DRL), Ir-Arch (UGent), RIBA, ARB

地點/ 交通大學人社一館大廳


  • 9/10 13:30-15:30 Intro lecture & briefing 介紹發題
  • 9/10 18:00 Phase 1 begins
  • 9/13 10:00-12:00 Phase 1 Review & Vote
  • 9/13 12:00 Phase 2 begins
  • 9/17 10:00-12:00 Phase 2 Review & Vote
  • 9/17 12:00 Phase 3 begins
  • 9/20 14:00-17:00 Final Review 總評
  • 9/21 10:00-14:00 Prep for exhibition 展覽準備


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YA Talk: Kristof Crolla

Lecture by Kristof Crolla, CHKU

時間:2017.09.25 19:30~21:00

Kristof CrollaKristof Crolla 高仕棠

  • 探索式建築與設計實驗室(LEAD)主持人
  • 香港中文大學建築系設計運算教授
  • Zaha Hadid事務所專案建築師
  • MArch (AA-DRL), Ir-Arch (UGent), RIBA, ARB

高仕棠具備土木結構背景,致力於發展數位設計工具的多元應用,除了可以解決複雜幾何結構的設計與製造,還能適用於低技術、低成本的地區。近期完成專案包括 ZCB Bamboo Pavilion、Golden Moon,其事務所Laboratory for Explorative Architecture and Design (LEAD)也在國際間獲得多個獎項。他本人於2012年以職業成就獲選為Perspective透視雜誌的40歲以下(40 under 40)設計新銳。此次演講Crolla教授將以豐富的影像和影片分享近年完成的精彩專案與研究。

YA Talk: Kristof CrollaCUHK - ZCB Bamboo PavilionCUHK - ZCB Bamboo PavilionLEAD - Golden MoonLEAD - Golden Moon

YA Talk: Kristof Crolla

YA Talk: Kristof Crolla

YA Talk: Kristof Crolla

2017.09.25 19:30~21:00

Kristof Crolla

Kristof Crolla (高仕棠) is a licensed architect who combines his architectural practice LEAD with an Assistant Professorship in Computational Design at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, School of Architecture (CUHK).

He both trained and taught at the Architectural Association School of Architecture, London (AA) and worked for many years as Lead Architect for Zaha Hadid Architects. After graduating Magna Cum Laude at Ghent University and practicing in Belgium, he moved to London in 2005 and attended the AA’s master program Design Research Laboratory (AA-DRL), from where his student work with team “Sugar Inc.” was exhibited at the 2006 Venice Architecture Biennale. He has been invited as a jury critic, lecturer and tutor in numerous institutions in Europe, China, Chile and South Africa and moved to Hong Kong in 2010 where he currently teaches and practices. He is the recipient of  the Perspective 2012 40 under 40 Award.