碩士班修業規章 Master Program Policy

歷年修業規章:105學年 | 106學年 | 107學年

國立交通大學 建築研究所



  1. 本修業規章依本所組織章程制定。
  2. 本所學生修業期限以一年至四年為限,在職生得延長一年。
  3. 本所分建築設計組、數位設計組、學士後建築組三組,本所學生三組課程均應涉獵,以求全面的掌握數位時代的建築發展。
  4. 學分抵免之申請,應於入學後第一學期提出,最多可抵免應修學分數二分之一學分。
  5. 碩士班畢業要求如下(必修與核心課程請另見「建築所必修與核心課程總表」):
    1. 建築設計組(MArch II)
      • 修滿28學分,含2門建築設計、1門設計研究方法、6門專題。
      • 畢業設計須通過「設計口試委員會」審核,並參加國內外競圖入圍。
    2. 數位設計組(MS)
      • 修滿32學分,含2門數位設計、2門設計研究方法、6門專題(至少4門數位專題)。
      • 畢業論文須通過「論文口試委員會」審核,並參加國內外研討會或競圖入圍。
    3. 學士後建築組(MArch I)
      • 修滿72學分(含6門建築設計、6門專題、6門核心課程)。
      • 應補修建築師考試資格要求之最低學分與課程,並經所務會議審查通過後始可畢業。
      • 第七學期須擇一修習:建築專業實習或獨立研究或出國交換,且成績/成果經所務會議審查通過後始可畢業。
      • 畢業設計須通過「設計口試委員會」審核,並參加國內外競圖入圍。
  6. 前述三組同學之轉組,需於每年五月底前,以書面報告向所務會議提出申請,所務會議需於六月底前審查完畢。
  7. 完成畢業設計或論文,若參加國內外研討會或競圖仍未入圍,可向各畢業委員會申請審查「同等國際水準作品」,通過後可畢業。
  8. 畢業設計/論文指導教授以本所專任教授為原則,學生若欲選兼任教師擔任指導教授,需提出申請並同時選擇一位專任教師共同指導。
  9. 本所碩士學位候選人之學位考試,以口試行之,必要時亦得舉行筆試,並應依下列規定辦理:
    1. 口試以公開舉行為原則,須於事前公佈口試時間、地點及論文題目。
    2. 學位考試委員會置委員三至五人,由本所就校內外學者專家中對研究生所提論文有專門研究,並具備下列資格之一者,向校長推薦,由校長遴聘組成之。
      • 曾任教授或副教授者。
      • 擔任中央研究院院士或曾任中央研究院研究員、副研究員者。
      • 獲有博士學位,在學術上著有成就者或擔任助理教授者。
      • 屬於設計創作與媒材創作領域,在國際上或專業上著有成就者。
    3. 學位考試委員應親自出席委員會,不得委託他人為代表,學位考試委員會至少應有委員三人出席始得舉行。
    4. 學位考試委員會,由校長指定委員一人為召集人,但指導教授不得兼任召集人。
    5. 學位考試成績,以七十分為及格,一百分為滿分,評定以一次為限,並以出席委員評定分數平均決定之,但有二分之一以上出席委員評定不及格者,以不及格論,不予平均。
    6. 論文有抄襲或舞弊情事,經學位考試委員會審查確定者,以不及格論。
  10. 在修業期限內未能通過學位考試或未能完成應修課程者,應令退學。
  11. 學位考試通過後一個月內應將論文摘要及全文電子檔上網建檔,並繳交論文十冊。
  12. 同學若對任何委員會中任何成員的專業素養與能力有所質疑時,可向所方提出,列為專任老師每二年評價續聘與否的重要討論。
  13. 本修業規章由所務會議訂定,經學院課程委員會及校課程委員會審查,再送教務會議核備後實施,修正時亦同。
  14. 本規章未盡事宜,依據本校「碩士學位及博士學位授予作業規章」辦理。

Policy Archive: 2016 | 2017 | 2018

Graduate Institute of Architecture, National Chiao Tung University

2019 Graduate Program Policy and Procedure for MArch I, MArch II & MS

Updated on March 25, 2013

  1. The captioned overview was composed according to the Institute’s Program Regulations.
  2. The program may be granted between a 1-year to 4-year term of accreditation. Part time working students may receive an extension of another year.
  3. The institute focuses on 3 programs: Master of Architecture II, Master of Science in Architecture and Master of Architecture I. All students are expected to participate in the courses across the 3 programs for a full understanding of global trend of Architecture in the digital era.
  4. Application of credits transference should be made in the first semester after admission. A total of up to half of the required accreditation can be waived or transferred at maximum.
  5. Accreditation of Master Degree Programs (Please see the “Curriculum Table for Required and Core Courses” for the content which is compulsory to fulfil.
    1. Master of Architecture, MArch II
      • Upon completion of 32 credit points, including 3 courses of Architectural Studio, 2 courses of Design Methodology and 6 courses of Design Thesis.
      • The thesis design should pass the assessment of the “Design Oral Examination Committee” and be registered and amongst the finalists in nationwide or international competitions.
    2. Master of Science in Architecture, MS
      • Upon completion of 32 credit points, including 2 courses of Digital Design Studio, 2 courses of Design Methodology and 6 courses of Design Thesis (at least 4 topics on Digital Design).
      • The thesis design should pass the assessment of the “Design Oral Examination Committee” and be registered and amongst the finalists in nationwide or international competitions.
    3. Master of Architecture, MArch I
      • Upon completion of 72 credit points, including 6 courses of Architectural Studio, 6 courses of Design Thesis and 6 courses of Core Programs.
      • Minimum credits and courses must be completed to meet the eligibility for the National Architect Registration Examinations.
      • Students are required to fulfil one of the following electives:
        • Professional practice
        • Independent study
        • Foreign academic exchange program
      • Upon the approval of the final results/ products by the Institute, an award of degree may then be granted.
      • The thesis design should pass the assessment of the “Design Oral Examination Committee” and be registered and amongst the finalists in nationwide or international competitions.
  6. Any application for the internal transferring among the previously-mentioned programs must be submitted in written report to the institute before end of May every year. The review has to be carried out and completed before the end of June.
  7. If the thesis project has not been shortlisted in any nationwide or international seminars or competitions, students are encouraged to apply for further review from the “Graduation Committee”. Once the project has been recognized as “Equivalent to International Standards”, an award of degree may be granted.
  8. In principle, the students should pursue the thesis under the direction of a faculty member. However, if a student wishes to seek guidance from a visiting faculty, an application should be made in which another full time faculty should be appointed to partake the supervision of the thesis.
  9. The assessment of the degree is generally carried out through oral examinations; in the case of necessity, a written examination may be held instead, following the policies listed below:
    1. The oral examinations are publicly held in general, where examination time, location and subject must be announced prior to the event.
    2. Degree Examination Committee usually consists of 3 ~ 5 members who are selected by the President of the University from candidates recommended by the institute. Eligible candidates will meet the following criteria:
      • Academic experience as professor or associate professor
      • Currently an academician at the Academia Sinica, or has the experience of an academician or associate academician at the Academia Sinica.
      • Well-accomplished academically or currently is in a role of assistant professor with a doctoral degree.
      • Well-accomplished internationally or professionally for those who are in the fields of design and media innovations.
    3. Degree Examination Committee members should attend the meetings in person. Authorized attendance will not be accepted. A committee meeting can only be held when at least 3 members are present.
    4. Under the appointment of the University President, one of the members will be the Principal in the Degree Examination Committee. However, the Thesis advisor is not to be appointed also as the Principal member.
    5. In the grading system, 70 points is the minimum score for passing; 100 points is the maximum score. The grading is done once, determined from the average grades marked by the attending committee members. In the case when over half of the committee has given failing grades, the examination will be marked as fail and the average score will not be taken into account.
    6. In the incident of plagiarism or malpractice, upon the confirmed investigation by the Degree Examination Committee, the examination will be marked as fail.
  10. Students who fail to pass the degree examinations or complete the required courses within the stated program term will be expelled from the University.
  11. Digital files of the thesis excerpt and full-length thesis should be documented online as well as 10 hard copies of the thesis should be submitted within one month after the passing of the examination.
  12. If students have any doubts about the professional performance and abilities of any certain committee members, they are encouraged to bring their queries up to the University for discussions. These feedbacks are critical basis for the bi-annual faculty review.
  13. This policy has been formulated by the Institute, reviewed by the College Curriculum Committee and submitted to the Office of Academics Affairs for approval. The same review procedure will apply to its future amendment.
  14. For items that have not been clarified in this policy, please refer to the University’s “Policy and Procedure for the Awards of Master’s and Doctoral Degrees”.